Friday, November 11, 2016

Donald Trump.... Plans to cut department of education

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Tampa, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016.
(Gerald Herbert)
Title: Trump’s Plan to Eliminate the Department of Education is Yet Another in a List of Terrible Ideas

Key Points: 490,000 teaching positions could be eliminated, $1.3 trillion in student loans would be at risk, 9 million low income students would lose $15 billion of Title 1 funding annually are just a few key risks of him eliminating the Department of Education.

Author: Posted on 

Relevance: Well, to state the obvious here and quite frankly I am freaked out! I am going on my last term of my masters as most of us all are, and now we are looking at our future in glum nervousness..... Will we have jobs in the next year or so? There are so many uncertainties and I can't help but feel nervous about our future of education and the direction it will be taking if he does really cut the Department of Education. We all need to advocate! Now is the time to really get involved politically if you haven't been in the past. Help save our Nations schools!



  1. Karleta,

    I am with you on this being terrifying. I honestly did not know anything about this threat until our class with Bryan this last Wednesday. I am scared for what may come in the future, and cannot imagine not being able to pursue my dream as being a special educator. I can only rely on the fact that our state will take care of our positions and people with disabilties. The idea of 400,000 people being elminated is the hardest thing to read in this article, and the students losing funding...well that is just incomprehendable. I hope...and pray...that this does not come about. Thank you for posting..for it should be very much on our radar.

  2. Eliminating the Department of Education has been a Republican talking point and platform position since the Department was created. But what have republican presidents done.... I urge you all to look into the history here. There is not much to worry about.

  3. You're allowed to be nervous. I'm willing to bet that many educators and students are. When I look at his ideas, I wonder if he will be able to do all the things he says. I don't mean to act as if I'm not concerned, but there are many unthinkable things that Trump has promised to do. We will see how it all turns out and make do when we get there.
