Saturday, December 3, 2016

A Quiet Education Revolution Worldwide is Giving Kids the Skills To Be 21st-Century Citizens

Title: A Quiet Education Revolution Worldwide is Giving Kids the Skills To Be 21st-Century Citizens
Publication: QUARTZ
Author: Jenny Anderson
Date: 12/3/2016

Key Points: This article talk about how there are small pockets forming around the globe, with educators looking beyond rigid systems and high-stakes standardized tests. They are trying to use education to allow students to “become architects of their own lives,” especially the poor. There has been a growing consensus
among educators that we have to “educate the whole child”, and there is a lot more information on how to do this now. These skills include the ability to take control of one’s own learning. Also, the article address the importance for students to get along with one another and have a wider world view.

Relevance: Given the need for student to widen the worldview being the that the world is more interlinked than ever with globalization. Students in China have more in common with US students these days, being that our economy is interlinked. For these reasons the move from standardized testing to a more holistic approach makes sense. In this ever changing world students need to know how to communicate with others and improve their analytical skills.

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