Monday, April 18, 2011

Can Sal Khan Reform Education in America?

Alex Wagner
"Can Sal Khan Reform Education in America?"
The Huffington Post
April 11, 2011

Sal Khan has created an website ( with extensive videos (2,100 to be exact) and 100 self-paced exercises translated in many languages to assist children with mathematics.  This website was recommended to me by a co-worker at Bank of America whose kids were having trouble with math.  Once they started using Mr. Khan's website their math problems went away.  I was a little skeptical about it, but once I started seeing him appear on TED videos and being promoted by Bill Gates (which may or may not be a good thing) I started to pay attention to Khan's Academy.

As the article points out what Mr. Khan is doing (assisting with math) is not new, but he has found a way to make learning math easy to do, easy to access and something that will benefit both the student and the teacher.  And Mr. Khan points out people cannot just rely on his videos, but capable teachers are needed to provide one-on-one time with their students and to be technically savvy so to effectively use the program.

As we talked about on Saturday this website is not intended to replace teachers or to be used for technology's sake, but is a useful tool to assist and engage kids that either do poorly and/or are not engaged in math.  And if there are no computers in school the videos can be handed out on memory sticks so the videos can be used at home.  This is a very useful program and who do we have to thank for it?  As Captain Kirk once famously shouted, "Khan!!!!"

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