Thursday, June 11, 2015

Another Article about ESOL Students in Middle and HIgh School

Teaching AdolescentEnglish Language LearnersEssential Strategiesfor Middle and High School

by Nancy Cloud Judah Lakin Erin Leininger Laura Maxwell

Key Points:
Like the last article I reviewed, this publication looks at the challenges of English laguage learners in middle and high school. One big challenge is staying in school and graduating. Many of these students have low literacy even in their primary language. They are put in a situation where they need to be able to test at a high enough level to succeed in their standardized testing. Many have never experienced high stakes testing at all. The students need to meet all of the same graduation requirements as their native English speakers counterparts who have been learning skills leading them to where they are since they entered school. These credits often include mandatory english classes, US  and state history, and other classes that are based in US culture. Poverty can also be an influence for some of these students. Many immigrant students hold part time jobs which reduced time available for school work. Social challenges are another issue for these students. Social opportunities help grow language skills but if the student is having a hard time fitting in, they have reduced access to social groups.

Non English speaking immigrants is an increasing challenges in school in the US and in our own communities.

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