Friday, March 25, 2011

A nation of dropouts shakes Europe

Charles Forelle
"A nation of dropouts shakes Europe"
Wall Street Journal
March 25, 2011

Topic: Importance of education
This article highlights the importance of an educational system to a country. By not continually trying to improve the education of our children we risk long term damage to the country.

“Improving education” may not necessarily mean bigger budgets and what exactly that phrase means is key to the debate. One thing all sides can agree on, is that we can’t afford to raise a country of educational drop outs only willing to move when their welfare payments become threatened.

Key Points: There is a nice chart on dropout rates. Finland is raised up as a good example of education but Ireland was also mentioned. That country has really turned things around in just a decade or so economically and a big reason for it was their educational reforms. If I was to look for ideas here, I would look closely at what they did to turn Ireland around. Just raising taxes and throwing money at the problem does not seem to be helping.

Relevance: Improving education is not just a nice thought, it is critical to the survival of nations. It’s a long term investment.

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