Friday, October 28, 2016

When the cyber bully is you

Source/Author/Date: When the Cyberbully Is You (New York Time) Nick Bilton: April 29, 2015

Key Points: “The conversation around cyber bullying has been going on for awhile but it is getting this particular kind of attention now because it’s coming to the fore that anyone can be a victim of that kind of shaping” said by Jacqui Shine.   The main obstacle in cyber bullying is the lack of empathy.  
Student’s do not see or hear how what they are typing is going to hurt someone else because they are behind the screen and keyboard not in front of the person they are saying it to.  The other obstacle is that bullies themselves will not show it at school because they don’t want teachers to see it but will hide behind their phone screen or computer screen and bully people.         

Relevance:  Since cyber bullying is on the rise teachers need to be teaching the correct way to be a respectful digital citizen.  This could mean talking about what we do on the computer and what we don’t do.  Students also need to be aware that everything they post online or text on their phone is public and stays with them forever.   As future teachers we need to be ready to talk to students about cyber bullying and how they can prevent it as well as being aware when it is happening to one of your students and making a plan on how to stop it.     


  1. This is something that I feel could be brought under control with the elimination of people being able to be anonymous on the internet. There is nothing that says you have the right to a secret identity while online. Simply attaching a real name to a handle will bring in some much needed accountability. Yes there will still be incidents, but there will never be a perfect solution either.

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