Friday, September 16, 2016

Is Graffiti Art? (TedEd)

Is Graffiti Art?

Title: Is Graffiti Art, or Vandalism?
S/A/D: TedEd YouTube channel, Kelly Wall, 9/9/16
Link: Live Link to the YouTube page (The video above should work however)
Key Points: This brief video discusses the history of graffiti, and why it is a taboo thing, and why some believe it's becoming mainstream.
Relevance: On the surface, this doesn't seem relevant. I chose this video because as a future Language Arts teacher, I'm toying with the idea of finding short, interesting videos that I can occasionally play at the beginning of class, then make a writing prompt for them to journal about the issue, or ask more questions themselves. This video is a great example because it's a debatable topic that some of my students might have strong feelings about. Hopefully this will be a fun way to promote critical inquiry/thinking in my students in an engaging way while also letting them practice writing concise, persuasive editorials/papers.
*Side note: I'm also just addicted to Ted and TedEd videos and am trying to come up with ways to integrate these great videos in my classroom in engaging ways that supplement my curriculum.


  1. This is an interesting video on the meaning of graffiti and its connection with art. I think this is a great video to show students in the classroom and then open up for discussion to hear their opinions and take on the video. It would be interesting to hear what students from different backgrounds have to say and the reasons behind their thinking. This could perhaps be a time where everyone can learn a bit more about each other and make new connections. The imagery and narrative of the video make it fun and keep the viewers attention, therefore, your idea to use TedED videos in lessons would make for a fun class.

  2. Kyle,

    This video is very interesting and I would be very curious to see how a classroom discussion would be used. I think that graffiti becomes vandalism when it is used on private property. If schools had a dedicated, respected space dedicated to the artistic value of graffiti, I believe it would become less stigmatized. I think of watching the summer Olympics and seeing all the beautiful artwork on the buildings and streets. Is that considered vandalism? I like the idea of creating a space for students to discuss topics like this. Great job!

  3. I have a student that does amazing graffiti on poster boards and shows them in class to demonstrate a great way to use this art form in a positive and productive manner. I will use this video in my classroom. Thanks!
