Friday, September 30, 2016

White Privilege Survey

'White Privilege Survey' causes controversy at Aloha High School
Lizzy Acker
September 30th, 2016

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Key Points: Some parents are unhappy with the "White Privilege Survey" that had been sent home with Aloha high school seniors earlier this week. One parent specifically stated that the survey aimed more towards making people feel bad because there are white. While another parents speaks out saying that she thinks it's important to be talking about race. The school states that the goal of the survey was to create empathy and teach students how to have these tougher conversations.

Relevance: While the topic of race and privilege can be awkward and uncomfortable, it is important to be able to start having these conversations at a young age. Being about to talk openly will help people be able to understand others point of view more clearly. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can see frustrations with filling out surveys as they can sometimes seem arbitrary, and lack depth, or understanding of a person’s story. However, I think the teacher’s intentions were for it to be educational and informative for students; not for them to feel guilty. Of course the discussion should be facilitated with tact. With issues around race, inequalities, and privilege, there will be emotionally charged discussions. The bigger takeaway would be the chance for students to learn more about their own privilege, biases, assumptions, and hear varying perspectives. A learning environment where there is empathy, tolerance, and acceptance is a safe place for students to grow as learners. In addition, I have read Peggy McIntosh's essay a couple times, and I am appreciative of the conversations I have had with people afterwards.
